Saturday, December 18, 2010

To: Angel Food Customer Care
Subject: organic/non-gmo
Hello, I was wondering if you will ever have an organic box 
that includes items that are not genetically modified. Corn,
Canola & Soy are the 3 biggest United States Genetically 
Modified Crops. So anything corn related in the breading or 
ingredients means it's genetically modified with Round up Weed
killer grown into it or some other undesirable trait that is
not good for eating.
I really hope that you try to help put out healthy organic
non-gmo boxes in order to help the low income. Thank you so much  
Their Reply
From: Jane Easterling <>
Thank you for your comment, I will forward this to our procurement
dept for their consideration. I too believe in a very healthy 
diet and food is where you get most if not all your nutrients

I sometimes shop the grocery stores later in the evening to
see what organic items they have put on sale "Manager's Special"
might be one or two items.  But it is something.

God Bless You!

My Reply=
Thank you for forwarding this & for considering organic &
non-GMO food for your program. I would love to participate
in your program when there is non-gmo/organic items 
for sale.  I know others who are struggling families that 
would like to participate also if there is an organic/non-gmo 
option.Please keep me posted if possible. Thank you so much

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sharina, for inquiring about non-GMO and organic food included in the program. I too am wanting to go back to Angel Food, but in the past year my son has become highly allergic to many foods and additives, including dairy and gluten. Now, I can't afford to take a chance on feeding him GMO's or chicken that is treated w/antibiotics and steroids, for fear of him getting sick. I do hope to see more awareness in the near future about this important issue.
