Please join in the conversation."
So I emailed them=Hello, I am concerned about some of your menu items. I have been a Burgerville fan for a long time but recently I've been learning about GMO's & am alarmed.
Do you use Genetically Modified Canola oil? If so, why not switch to non-gmo?
Is your fish Farmed or Wild? If not wild then why not switch? (Farmed gets fed antibiotics & GMO feed)
Why not have grass fed to slaughter beef instead of GMO grain fed?
You have free-range turkey but is it fed GMO food? Why not serve organic?
I feel like Burgerville is making huge progress in selling healthier food
choices but why not make the switch to non-gmo & Post it in the store.
If there were signs up or information in the restaurants then I & my healthy
friends would definitely eat there. Also, post the word Organic if any berries
or salads or other items are organic, because I went into Burgerville & asked
& had to talk to a manager & didn't find anything that I could eat in the store
that was organic or non-gmo. This is a HUGE problem.
Their reply= Dear S A,
Thank you for taking an active interest in where you food
comes from and how it is raised. We appreciate you taking
the time to share your questions and concerns with us. We strive to provide our guest̢۪s the highest quality,
sustainably sourced menu offerings. We are working
diligently with all of our suppliers to clean labels of
artificial ingredients.The canola oil we use is not GMO.
We serve sustainably fished wild-caught halibut. The
smoked salmon is wild also. All our beef is raised by
Country Natural Beef, a co-operative of family-owned
and operated ranches who are certified sustainable by
the Food Alliance. We love this partnership because the
beef is raised on pastures and open range land and fed
100% vegetarian diets, antibiotic and hormone free.
Portland-based Fulton Provisions has been grinding
Burgerville̢۪s beef for almost 50 years and is also a
Food Alliance Certified Sustainable Processor. Since our
first burger was flipped in 1961 our beef has been fresh,
never frozen. We are proud to partner with Diestel Farms to
supply our turkey. Diestel has been recognized as the most
sustainably raised turkey in the West. The turkeys are not
fed GMO product.Our goal is not to have all of our product
be organic. Many of our growers do practice organic farming as
well as sustainable practices, but organic certification is very
expensive for many of them. We are proud to partner with those
who provide the highest safety and quality assurances. We value your business and hope you will choose Burgerville
when you are selecting where to spend your food dollars. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Sincerely, Debe Nagy-Nero, RD Director of Quality Assurance, Nutrition The Holland, Inc./Burgerville
Ok Burgerville, how about labeling or putting up a sign
in your store or on the website so that I &
everyone else can have a choice?
Doing what is right without government regulation is always the best action - I hope BV continues to strive to operate with integrity and provide clean foods to its customers without being told by government. People can grow organically and not be certified - home gardeners do it yearly. But, that said, Heinz, Hunts and many other condiment products are GMO and should be avoided in any restaurant. What ketchup does BV offer?
ReplyDeleteJust visited the BV in Chehalis, WA. The employees, including the manager, could not answer my questions regarding GMOs in their food offerings. BV needs to be pro-active by informing their workers how to answer questions.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jermo for your comments. I love what you are doing. Asking restaurants and any place that sells food about GMO's creates awareness and lets them know that they have customers that care about and want non-gmo menu choices. It's amazing that Washington state voters will vote this November on whether or not to label GMO's but most people and places don't know much about them. It will take people like you to inform them and hopefully one by one people will spread the word and vote Yes on I522 in Washington state to get labels. It's hard to keep up on what GMO food is being patented next and also hard to eat gmo free but it can be done. Thanks for your replies and efforts. Sherry Aldinger